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5 Reasons to Invest in Your WMS Software

5 Reasons to Invest in Your WMS Software

Check out this list of key reasons you should take a second look at your current ERP and warehouse management system (WMS) software.

Times have been hard for many businesses, including warehouses and manufacturers. If you’re struggling to keep up with the growth of e-commerce orders while using outdated software and hardware, it’s time to invest in your business. Here are five reasons to keep your WMS operations up to date by updating and integrating the latest digital functions into your system. 

1.  Self-Service Savings

If you haven’t provided online access to inventory and ordering for your sales force and customer base, you are behind the times. Instead of stock check calls, manual order entry, and paper proofs of delivery, it could all be done electronically, via self-service web access. This would drastically improve efficiency, increase customer service levels, and save your staff loads of time. The end result gives you an additional advantage over competitors that do not offer these services.

2.  Increase Online Sales

E-commerce was something most end-customers just dabbled in prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. With storefronts forced to shutter during much of the past two years, online ordering became and, in some cases, continues to be the only option for companies to place products directly into consumers’ hands. Is your WMS system set up to break open cartons and process e-commerce orders? Is it running efficiently? If not, you needed to upgrade yesterday. Don’t fret, ASC’s digital solutions can help you set up a state-of-the-art e-commerce back-end system to handle “one-each” sales orders with shopping cart integrations that bring your company easily into the mainstream.

3.  Avoid Operational Issues and Increase System Security

Your current WMS software has worked for your warehouse or manufacturing facility so far. Are you experiencing little glitches? Is your WMS system constantly crashing? Is your firewall secure? Nothing is worse than not being able to conduct or complete daily customer orders due to IT system errors or, worse yet, ransomware demands. If your software or hardware cannot keep up with today’s demands, you should most definitely have your IT infrastructure evaluated for speed, security, and best practices.

4.  Operate at Maximum Efficiency

It is important that your software provider be constantly monitoring your current ERP and/or WMS software system and identifying areas for improvement. A stagnant system cannot keep up with the ever-changing economic climate and business demands. Your software provider should be interacting with your company regularly to identify areas of improvement and upgraded functionality. These might be provided via add-on modules or in regularly scheduled software updates. For example, ASC is on version 10.02 of ASCTrac® with version 11 due out in Q2. Ensure that your warehouse or manufacturing facility is running at maximum efficiency by keeping your software up to date.

5.  It Costs Less in the Long Run

Money is tight for everyone, and capital is closely guarded. However, if you are holding off on needed WMS software upgrades, it could affect your bottom line directly. Regular software upgrades are essential to maintaining working systems properly and saving valuable employee time while providing the best service to your customers. Newer feature add-ons in both software and hardware will pay off quickly. Consider adding ASCTrac® Mobile Device Manager or Voice Picking options to enhance your company’s efficiency.

As a Top 100 IT Solutions Provider, you can rely on next-generation software and hardware solutions from ASC. Learn more about ASC’s premium solutions for warehouses and manufacturers.

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