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ASCTrac® Connectivity (ERP, IIoT, eCommerce)

Connecting Manufacturing and Distribution Operations to almost any System

Are you still using Excel spread sheets to run your supply chain operations even though you bought BIG ERP inventory modules?

Best of Breed / Best in Class: To ensure that you are fully operational in your supply chain, the ASCTrac® system can complement your ERP, accounting or external system with a very powerful and very extensive “Best of Breed / Best in Class”” manufacturing and distribution solution for solving real world challenges. By using ASC solutions, there are no more silos or gaps of information by trying to get BIG ERP to work for you.

ASC Interfaces: With our interfaces (accounting, eCommerce, ERP, WCS, PLC), the financial team can use their familiar accounting screens and the operations team can function efficiently at the point of activity in the warehouse or the shop floor using their handheld mobile devices. All supply chain processes are directed and verified at the point of activity and all data is available for automated and seamless operations.

Real Time, 100% Accurate: In addition, it is “real time” information available to the entire enterprise with speed and accuracy that can only be achieved with ASC’s mobile technology. All processes are optimized, planned and directed workflows with validated actions at the point of activity and that means 100% trusted information for the entire enterprise and all of your trading partners.

Real Orchestration: Now, all of your departments can work in harmony with your distribution and manufacturing operations – less effort, better accuracy.

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ASC has extensive experience in Connecting to Accounting and ERP Systems

Solve your complex supply chain and Connect Your Accounting or ERP

ASC has created interfaces since its start in 1989 to connect virtually any external system. From legacy system or in-house systems, to many different ERP financial or accounting systems including:
  • ASCTrac® External Interface (used for any external system)
  • Microsoft® Dynamics® GP (direct, very extensive)
  • Microsoft® Dynamics® D365 (coming soon)
  • Sage® Products (contact us for versions)
  • Oracle® (thru ASC external interface)
  • SAP® (thru ASC external interface)
  • JD Edwards® (thru ASC external interface)
  • Exact-Macola® (direct to Macola®)
  • QuickBooks®
  • Netsuite® accounting (coming soon)
  • and many more…
We have successfully implemented connected solutions for many different types of clients. Today’s interfaces use web services or SQL direct-connect for real time “event driven” architecture. With our experience, and our API tool set for ASCTrac® interfacing, virtually just about every external system can be accommodated.

Connecting the Dots in Your Supply Chain®

ASC modules graphic
ASCTrac is a Complete Supply Chain Solution:

To ensure that you can fully orchestrate every point in your supply chain, the modular ASCTrac system can provide a complete solution to connect every portion of your supply chain, and you can choose which modules you need.

ASCTrac can be a Complementary Supply Chain Module:

The ASCTrac system can provide a modular and complimentary solution to connect to your existing ERP system. When your ERP cannot handle all of your supply chain challenges, choose the right combination for solving those complex needs.

You Need Real Time Information:

You cannot manage what you cannot see - to ensure that you are fully connected to your supply chain in real time, the ASCTrac system can provide visibility to your entire supply chain - true management in a proactive and predictive mode.

Trusted data:

All processes and movements of goods are double-checked and verified at the point of activity. Everything is tracked and audited with pharmaceutical grade precision. Real Time, 100% accurate data that is trusted.

Do You Have Big ERP and Still Have Complex Inventory Challenges?

🡒 If you rely on a BIG ERP to solve complex inventory challenges, you may be disappointed to discover that it does not properly handle all of your department’s complex inventory movements.

🡒 In fact, you may be relying on Excel spread sheets to run your supply chain by owning BIG ERP.

Why? It’s because BIG ERPs were designed primarily as financial systems and not as supply chain systems. For intense supply chain needs, most big ERPs’ cannot handle complex operations such as interleaved complex inbound logic, multi-drop inbound logic, flexible sequenced priorities, dynamic wire guided vehicle directives, or other complex supply chain logic that must work 100% efficiently with manufacturing or in the mission-critical warehouse.

This is where we can help you with experienced and flexible “best-of-breed” off-the-shelf supply chain solutions that can do what you need. We can provide the experience and the solution for solving those complex needs with connected ERP interfaces to securely and accurately exchange information. Give us the tough stuff, your ERP handles the financials.

Benefits of Using ASCTrac® Connected to any system:

Connections to ERP, Accounting, WCS, EDI, PLC/IIoT, eCommerce, and more:

ASC has Extensive Experience in Working with Manufacturing PLC Interfaces

Connect to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

ASC has extensive experience in interfacing with industrial controls (since 1989 with PLC’s) and interfaces to connect virtually any external system to our distribution and planning systems for 100% accuracy and fulfillment. We are currently updating and adding “Off-the-shelf” interfaces for many PLC/IIoT devices:
  • 1- Primary: MTConnect4, OPC UA, or Fanuc Focus
  • and several others…
If your PLC or machines machines support the items in list 1 above, we can connect to them. This will provide you with OEE dashboards and provide fully-integrated, real-time information to the ASCTrac® planning, manufacturing and shop-floor operations, and ultimately, to the financial system. All of this information can be visualized by supervisors in real time. If your controllers or are in list 2 and 3, then inexpensive off-the-shelf industrial IIoT device(s) could be used to pull data from any machine that reports operation and/or part cycles.

ASC has Extensive Experience in Working with eCommerce

Connect Your eCommerce

ASC has extensive experience in creating eCommerce sites (first in 1998) and interfaces to connect virtually any external ordering system to our distribution and planning systems for 100% accuracy and fulfillment. And, you can use either our eCommerce module or use one of the commercial eCommerce platforms. We have recently added “Off-the-shelf” interfaces for other eCommerce platforms:
  • Amazon
  • Shopify
  • Magento
  • Big Commerce
  • Channel Advisor
  • WooCommerce
  • and several others…
We have successfully implemented connected solutions for many different supply chain operations. Today’s interfaces use JSON web services or SQL for real time “event driven” architecture. With our experience, and our API tool set for ASCTrac® interfacing, virtually just about every external system can be accommodated.

Distribution - Connect, Plan, Optimize, and Execute

Since ASCTrac WMS is considered in the industry as a “best of breed” (best-in-class) system (which means it was purposely built and designed as a true distribution and manufacturing system from the operations perspective), it can handle all variations of distribution and manufacturing for any type of industry for any size of enterprise. Therefore, all operations are planned, accurate, visible in real time, and completely verified. This includes all transactions (such as receipts, picks, moves, physical counts, cycle counts, repacks, scraps, quality control holds and releases, parcel shipping, trailer shipping, etc.) at the point of activity for directed workflows. That means instant reconciliation if a picking error occurs, or verification for a purchase order receipt, etc., to ensure that the financial system is fully correct.

WMS Selection Hint: Be sure when comparing WMS products to make sure that the one you choose is not just a “data collection” module used as data entry method for an accounting system. Some systems are marketed as “WMS” when they are just simple data collection modules with no optimization. Choose a WMS that is designed by supply chain professionals to meet your most complex needs.

With all of the management side of the warehouse at stake, (i.e., labor resources, location utilization, rapid picks, zone control, ABC logic, throughput capacities, burden costs, planning, ASN/EDI, etc.), the deployment of ASCTrac® simply makes good management sense.

Manufacturing - Connect, Plan, Optimize and Execute:

In addition to our warehouse functions, ASCTrac ® WMS has a very extensive manufacturing solution. Our manufacturing execution system (MES) provides modules for Work Orders, Shop Floor (both internal and external), MRP Production Planning, Demand Forecasting, and various interfaces to manufacturing PLC’s, automatic labeling systems, warehouse control systems, pick-to-light systems, carousel systems, etc. Picking of components for manufacturing is just as critical as it is for customer orders, and tracking of lot and serial numbers is mission critical.

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